100% Satisfaction Guarantee: No results in 8 weeks? Get a full refund and a $50 Amazon gift card on us.

We're confident in our results. If you don't see meaningful progress within 8 weeks, we'll provide a full refund plus a $50 Amazon gift card as our guarantee to you.

To qualify for our guarantee, please complete these requirements:

  • Follow all program exercises and instructions completely

  • Submit before and after photos: side-view photos of your midsection and scale photos showing your feet and weight at the start and end of the program (We understand this is a sensitive matter—we simply need to verify that weight differences didn't affect the outcomes)

  • Record your daily exercise sessions and submit the videos by 12:00pm EST every Friday.

  • Complete the program within the 8-week timeframe—no extensions or delayed starts allowed

  • Send all photos and videos to: account@mommymango.com

*If you do not complete all the requirements above, you cannot receive a refund or the Amazon gift card.