Tired of looking pregnant when you're not?

Flatten your mommy tummy & strengthen your pelvic floor

Short, effective research-based exercises to get a flatter core, improve bladder problems, eliminate back pains and restore self confidence in as little as 3-4 weeks.

I'm a mom who was tired of looking pregnant







Does your belly look like this?

It looked like I was pregnant...

"...it looked like I was pregnant all the time. I had 2 babies in less than 2 years, my youngest will turn 2 this summer. Core strength and Diastasis Recti repair exercises have been my #1 focus this entire time because my belly was my main insecurity."

-Makenzie F.


Erica N.

Courtney H.

Sherell M.

1 out of 3 Moms...

are suffering from Diastasis Recti

(a common cause of mommy tummy 😩)

Diastasis Recti is ab separation.

Ab separation is a totally normal process that happens during pregnancy to allow for the baby to grow in your tummy.

Unfortunately, this separation doesn't resolve by itself in at least 1 out of 3 moms.

The issue that causes Diastasis Recti actually affects the entire core.

What is the issue? 🤔

Well... the entire core consists of muscles and connective tissues that support the front, sides, back, top and bottom of the core.

So your core is much like a container (and not just a 6-pack at the front of your stomach 💡 ).

So the issue is that during pregnancy...

Many parts of your core gets stretched out- mostly all the way around your entire waist, from the front to the back, and even the bottom (your pelvic floor- hello leaking!😣 )

And this can be the case even if you don't have Diastasis Recti.

It's much like a balloon...

What happens when you blow a balloon up to many times its original size?

It often doesn't go back to its original size.

This is especially the case if you blow it up multiple times and blow it up bigger and bigger each time.

Think consecutive pregnancies.😑

Why common exercises can make it worse!

Traditional core exercises are often hyper focused on only the washboard or 6-pack abs.

But that's only the very front of the core (and still only 1 out of the several muscles that make up the front of the core).

For someone whose entire core is stretched, they need a program that properly strengthens and tightens the core all the way around.

Not to forget the top and the bottom as well.

Imagine wanting to shrink that balloon back down.

Focusing only on your 6 pack is like trying to focus on one side of the balloon. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Sure it might look a little different, but it's not solving the entire problem.

And it's not shrinking the entire balloon at all.

Not only that, but just focusing on the front, without addressing the rest of the core, often makes the entire situation worse...

The solution is...

The solution is to focus on all of the muscles in your core. This is what will "shrink the balloon," bring your ab muscles closer together and tighten your mommy tummy.

Which means you will no longer look like you are pregnant when you're not...

You will no longer have to worry about what you will wear to the party...

You will no longer have to dread looking in the mirror. Instead...

You will have a tighter stronger tummy...

You will be able to confidently choose an outfit that you are excited to wear when you go out...

And you will actually be proud of the figure you see in the mirror because you will be a stronger tighter you.

Wholistic Exercise Program Made for Mommy Tummies

The Core Challenge

A research-based, holistic exercise program that safely flattens your tummy in under 20 minutes a day—and in just 8 weeks!

In-depth Personalized Assessments for

  • Diastasis Recti

  • Posture

  • Core and Pelvic Floor Muscles

  • Nutrition

  • Lifestyle Factors

  • Emotional Eating

So you can know exactly where you are, and how you are progressing.

5 Minute Quick Start

So you can get started TODAY and start seeing results ASAP!

Pre-recorded, fully guided video workouts

...for the entire 8-Weeks (and beyond)

So you can go at a pace that's perfect for you.

Healthy Meal Plans

Healthy meal plans for grocery lists and recipes.

Customer Support

... in the app... so you can ask questions about anything course related and receive notifications of any updates.

Includes Everything You Need to Succeed

In-depth Posture Guide

...complete with pictures and video tutorials on common postural mistakes plus how to fix them to promote accelerated core tightening.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Guide

To help with weight loss, bloating and tissue repair.

Emotional Eating Guide and Journal

So you can discover why you eat the way you do and what you can do about it.

Goal Setting Guide

...complete with action plan worksheets so you can crush your goals

Muscle Relaxation Guide

A follow along video to help you release core, pelvic floor and general body tightness to promote accelerated healing.

Stress-Relief Guide

Top tips for stress relief to reduce cortisol in the body and thus preventing the "stress belly" and the deterioration of collagen (which affects your Diastasis Recti as well as skin).

Meal Planning Guide

So you can plan the perfect meal plan for you, based on what you and your family already like to eat.

Gut Healing Guide

To discover food sensitivities, balance hormones, restore energy, reduce bloating and balance your weight.

How Does It Work?

Made for Moms

As a mom, we understand your busy schedule can be overwhelming. Our program simplifies your fitness journey with easy-to-follow core-strengthening exercises. No need for time-consuming planning – start your workout with just a single tap.

At-home Exercises

You don't need gym equipment or an athletic background. Even if you've never exercised before, my routines are straightforward and easy to follow. With my video demonstrations and just 20 minutes a day, you can perform them anywhere.

Proven Wholistic Plan

This course will mark your progress as you follow a step-by-step plan. You aren't simply going to learn exercises either. This is a holistic course that will show you step-by-step what promotes the healing of your core- like nutrition and rest.

Android or iPhone App Access

You can use our app for free with the purchase of the program and take all the exercises with you where ever you go.

Lifetime Access

So you don't have to worry about time, when life gets in the way. Also, moms come back again after having consecutive babies.

Money Back Guarantee

Simply email us within 30 days of your purchase to receive your money back.

No questions asked!


C-Section Add-on

To smooth out the appearance of the c-section "shelf" and promote healing of the scar.

Advanced Core Workouts

So you can continue to be challenged and consequently continue seeing results.

Weight Loss Workbook

Use this exhaustive tool to make weight loss and healthy eating a part of your life instead of an eternal struggle.

"Are you expecting again?"

That's the question I received when I was actually dressed up and feeling kinda cute. (Talk about shooting down a girl's confidence 😩 ).
Someone looked right at my tummy and asked IN PUBLIC, if I were pregnant.
Then not long after that incident, I was doubled over in pain with a pinched nerve. I couldn't stand up straight or even hold my nearly 1 year old.
On top of it all, I couldn't jump on a trampoline with my kids, cough, sneeze or even laugh without leaking. 😣
All this because of my weak core.
I literally felt like my body (inside and out) would NEVER be strong again.
Because it's not like I wasn't trying. I was doing ab workouts and HIIT workouts and I had lost all the baby weight...
But it seemed like nothing was working.
After that pinched nerve episode, I was determined NOT to experience pain like that again.
Then bits and pieces of information started coming together from my B.S. in Biochemistry, M.S.Ed. in Health Education, my time running an all women's fitness center and from watching random YouTube videos. 😆
But I still felt like I was missing something because it wasn't quite working.

So I spent many hours and hundreds of dollars getting certified specifically in diastasis recti to learn more. I became a Pregnancy and Post Partum Corrective Exercise Specialist to really be able to help myself to the best of my ability.

That's when I started seeing results! I shared my exercises with other mamas and they began seeing results too!!
Excited about my personal progress and the progress of other mamas, I have been helping mamas ever since.

In Just 5 Weeks

"I am SO proud of myself! Consistency and discipline has paid off."

-Makenzie F.

Gwen in 8 weeks

Erica N. in 4 weeks

Courtney H. in 8 weeks

Sherell M. in 6 weeks

BUT this solution isn't for everyone. It's best for moms who have a loose tummy as a result of pregnancy.

☑️ Perfect for those who still have a more pregnant shaped belly, no matter how long it's been since pregnancy.

☑️ Great for those who aren't strong enough to do a proper sit-up (i.e., you can't keep your tummy flat while sitting up, but your 6-pack bulges out.

☑️ Good for those who have Diastasis Recti (where you see bulging coming through your abdominal midline during a sit-up

☑️ Wonderful for those who have tried traditional ab exercises, but they didn't work.

☑️ Perfect for those who need short, fully guided, follow along videos that you can do at your own convenience.

☑️ Great for those who need accountability and professional support during the process.


You can pay for

1. A tummy tuck ($6,000 on average)

with a recovery time of 2-3 months...and ladies actually use my program before and after a tummy tuck to increase the muscle strength of the core, reduce recovery time and improve overall results

2. 8 Weeks of Physical Therapy ($2,000)

price to see a physiotherapist for 1x/week for 8 weeks...though I am not discouraging you from seeing one because we have one who helps our ladies in the 8-Week Core Challenge and she's AMAZING!


My 8-Week Core Challenge for $197

This choice includes:

  • The exact exercises needed to repair your core in follow-along videos

  • A nutrition outline for optimal core healing and weight management

  • $297 - Over 50 DR(Diastasis Recti) focused exercises

  • $200 - Diastasis Recti self-assessments

  • $499 - Access to a mommy community

  • $197 - Nutrition outline for core healing and weight loss

  • $97 - A mobile app for convenience and flexibility

  • $977 - Direct Access to a Physical Therapist and Mommy Mango for 8 weeks

  • Easy, short, on demand video instructions

  • 30-day money back guarantee


  • $27 - Advanced stronger core workouts

  • $197 - Weight-loss workbook

Secure Processing

We ensure your privacy by using a secure 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway for each order.

Lifetime Access

So you don't have to worry about time, when life gets in the way. Also, moms come back again after having consecutive babies.

Money Back Guarantee

Simply email us within 30 days of your purchase to receive your money back.

No questions asked!

More Wins!

"I never thought I would have my body back again..."

Mother of 5 Children

"I never took a before picture, I guess I thought that IT will never look “normal” again. Now I am sorry that I didn’t 😊 and the pain in the lower back is gone, especially on the left side. Also the feeling of weakness in the core is gone too. If only I knew that DR is the condition that caused that I would have closed the gap sooner with your program." -Nera D.

In 6 Weeks

I’ve struggled with my diastasis since I had my first baby back in 2013 via c section. I went on to have 3 more children since then also via c section, my belly was a mess, my back in bits. I had tried every fad diet and excercise routine I could think of but nothing ever worked.

I joined this group [Mommy Mango's] and started doing my research, ...honestly cannot believe how much it’s changed my life

-Melanie D.

and many more...

Georgia's After

Lonna's After

Melanie's After

Andi's After


It's been X number of months or years since I had my baby. Is it too late for me to heal?

NOPE! It's never too late. We are strengthening muscles and facilitating the repair of fascia.. It's never too late to do that. 😉

How long will it take for me to heal?

EVERYONE is different. It takes 4-6 weeks for muscles to strengthen and at least 6 months for the fascia/connective tissue. You should see significant results in 4-6 weeks and you'll feel the difference even sooner.

How long are the exercises?

You'll need to set aside 15-25 minutes a day, at least 4 days a week to see progress.

Do I still have access to the program after the first 8 weeks?

Yes, you have lifetime access.

I'm pregnant and I have this. What should I do?

First, know that it's totally normal to have Diastasis Recti during pregnancy. It allows the baby to expand in your belly. However, you can start this program right now and prevent more stretching than is necessary. It can help with labor and delivery and make for a faster post partum recovery.

Will this help if I've never had a baby?

Even guys have had success with these exercises. If you have diastasis recti or even if your abs bulge forward instead of stay flat when you do a sit up, this program will strengthen and tighten your core.

Will this help if I don't have Diastasis Recti?

If your abs bulge forward instead of stay flat when you do a sit up or other traditional ab exercises, this program will strengthen and tighten your core.

Will this help if I'm a guy?

If your abs bulge forward instead of stay flat when you do a sit up or other traditional ab exercises, this program will strengthen and tighten your core.